Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fall Has Arrived!


It is finally fall semester, and my service as Miss Auburn University is in full swing! Now that students are back on campus and the area is bustling more than ever, I am so excited to share my adventures and moments with all of you as I embark on my final full semester as Miss AU.

The beginning of the fall is kicked off most appropriately with Welcome Week, an effort to make many events and opportunities open to students, especially new ones. I was able to participate with a few Welcome Week events and do my part in making this experience memorable.

My first appearance was at the War Eagle T-shirt Exchange where students could trade in another college or university shirt for a brand new Auburn University shirt. We had a lot of fun updating our fellow students' Auburn t-shirt collection and also equipping some freshman with one of their first Auburn shirts. When the first t-shirt that was exchanged was an Alabama shirt, we knew we had already done our job! All of these collected shirts were then donated to tornado victims in our state. This creative event was tons of fun- a great mix of helping others, meeting new people, and welcoming others into the Auburn family!

Next on the list was the Block Party. Food, fun, and a DJ completed the atmosphere and encouraged students to mingle and get to know some new faces and new organizations on campus. I had the pleasure of performing my talent routine from Miss Alabama for all the attendees. I always enjoy performing for others, and this was no exception! Afterwards, I was able to take part in some of the festivities and meet some new faces as well!

I cannot describe how much I love our student talent shows! That Saturday night, I emceed the Tiger Talent Show as the crowd was able to enjoy some unique and impressive talents displayed by our fellow students. I love seeing the obvious hard work and dedication that must be involved with each act. Emceeing was a blast as I was able to introduce and provide some background for each contestant, introduce some talented student organizations as they provided some exhibition performances, and even dance on stage with Aubie!

On Sunday, I was invited to speak at 100 Women Strong, an engineering luncheon for freshman female engineering students. I enjoyed sharing my message of hard work and passion as I encouraged these students to look beyond the work on their page to the real life impact and difference their vision and creativity can make. Since I had been exactly in their shoes two years ago and since I have a wonderful and strong engineering role model (my Aunt Cathy is the Public Works Director for Asheville, NC), I felt equipped to share my heart and my story with these young women. Nothing much compares to opportunities like this one. The students who approached me afterwards affirming my message brought so much more inspiration and light into my day and my perspective. Sharing your strength with others is incredibly powerful and worthwhile!

 Remember that recipes are still being accepted for the Miss AU Cookbook with all proceeds going to the East Alabama Food Bank! You can submit your recipe online at
 Become a part of this cookbook made by the Auburn family, for the Auburn family, and benefiting those suffering from hunger around us!

With Love and War Eagle!

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